Saturday, June 27, 2009

went to parkway for survey doing at some ulu bookstore bugis on WEDNESDAY with darling to walk ard the new mall. big and super spacious there! it actually spoiled my shopping mood. i prefer bugis street. anyway went up to level 7 to ask for the job. gotta send resume. walk ard street for awhile and we totally couldnt decide whether to go ahead with ph plan cuz a fren had h1n1 from butter! scary! soooo we decided to flip a coin. baby was in charge of that. hahas. that FP. wahaha! nvm u dunno what it means. LOL. had laksa as dinner. quite nice. hahas. located at the same place as the duck rice. bused home and i was bored once i reached home. chatted with cz and twin and i decided to go over her place. met up at semb mac and we went over cz's place to get sugar for cookie baking! but we slacked till we were damn lazy to bake. hahas. lazy to wash up to be precise. hahahas. i ate 2 bites of the cookie twin baked in the noon. hmmmm... lots of room for improvement! HAHA. i'll take 3 bites the next batch of cookies u bake okokok? lol. slept at 6.30am cuz we kept talking. it was me who kept talking la. hahas. woke up at 5 on THURSDAY and we went over james place. good news of th day. cz's and james result were positive!! thank God! cz bought donuts from donut factory. yummy! mjmjmj and i won! hehe. slept in the morn again. and it was FRIDAY le. we missed kite flying =( nvm. we shall go another day. was pulled out of bed by mr james for another round of mahjong. ended up im the biggest winner. hahahas! dinner at the coffeeshop downstairs and i went home! now its SATURDAY morning alrdy and im still not asleep. omg! and i gotta wake up at 11 later. feel like going for a haircut later and not sleep. should i or not?

photos will be up soon!! ^^

we made jessie's day! hahahs. miss u guys :(

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