Sunday, June 07, 2009

went out with jessie, siaowei and weiheng on fri. went tampines and had lunch first and we went to adidas warehouse which is quite chui. very limited stuffs and the place is ulu. jessie went for training and the three of us went for steamboat. it was freaking hot esp eating the mala one. omfg la! lol. after steamboat i went over james place for mahjong! whoo! im the biggest winner. wahaha. poor cz lost all his chips. lol. so unlucky man!
we all slept till 2 plus den we woke up. eh no. only me and dumb twin. cz woke up early in the morn. hahas. we went home to change and met in yishun with shuang. dinner at the jap foodcourt and we went pool. home at 10 and after washing up i went over to amk and met ting. chatted in the mac for 3 hours cuz there's this disgusting uncle at her place playing mahjong. it was damn funny when we were deciding what to eat and whether to eat. flip a 5 cent in front of the counter. HAHA! went to bed at 6 plus i think.
woke up at 4 plus and had dinner and watched tv till 8 and i went off to yishun to meet yuwen they all. bought 2 durian pancakes from hub. very nice!! to think i used to hate durian. tsk tsk. went to occ to play pool till 11 and we went to beancurd city to eat. i had an egg tart and currypuff. omg la. eat and eat and eat! lol.
suppose to go over amilia's place but that girl MIA. i cant contact her so im home on my comfortable bed which misses me alot. hahas.

no idea wad to do tml. if there's no work i'll be searching for plans!

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