Thursday, June 04, 2009

HOLIDAY IS HERE! last paper biz stats was disappointing but it didnt spoil my mood that much and the long awaited mahjong session arrived on tuesday! lucky me had lots of people with me at work. so i was occupied the whole time. thanks guys (:
was really tired the moment we started playing the second pot. i concuss the moment i hit the sofa. lol. chatted with yuwen and cai zhi till i fell asleep. and when i woke up it was time for lunch and then work.

went buttering ytd with darling, alvin and his sec sch fren, cai qi. almost similar name with mine. and both of us had the same surname too. hahas. butter is small and the music is kinda old. i guess i was with the right people so i didnt find it as bad as how darl and baby described. LOL. the queue was freaking long when we reached but due to networking. hahahs. we managed to be right in front. alvin came late and the queue for guys were horribly long too and we thought he had to wait a long time before getting in. just nice zi xian, nigel that bunch of guys were like beside us. HAHA. soooo... u know. hahas. walked to clarke quay at 3. wanted to go arena but alvin had to pay so we all went home. first time i got home so early as we usually wait for first bus. poor alvin was alrdy dozing off in cab. lol. and for me. i was resting on the sofa when i got back and i fell asleep with make up and earrings still on -.- woke up at 9 plus and got everything done and im back to sleep.

got up at 4 to prepare for work at charcoal. been so so so so long since i worked there. but today was fine and everything went well. served 2 ang mo who came 3 months ago and they still rmb it was me who served them before. so i sat there and grilled the food for them. chatted and realised they're NTU professors. funny people. hahas. ate and had sake with them. lol. that was my tips i suppose. LOL.
train-ed back with wei and a new guy call erik or eric im not sure. went to 925 to have supper. nice chat with wei cuz we haven met for a long time too. im gonna work more at charcoal! miss that place alot. hahas.
met up with eelin after supper. haven talk to her for 2 weeks plus and it felt like ages though it really haven been that long since we talk like everyday? lol. updated each other on everything and we had to leave as she had work tml.

advertising time. anyway charcoal is having buffet now. 36.90 on weekdays. sun to thurs. i forgot the price for weekends. shall edit when i find out. the food practically include everything thats on the alacarte menu. so its pretty worth it. arranged with wei to go eat one of these days alrdy (:

will be meeting up with my 2 bffs and weiheng tml to go tampines and walk ard and adidas warehouse. and steamboat! night will be with my friday clique!!

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