Sunday, June 14, 2009

week updates!

time to slow down the pace of all the activities and take a good break at home. but sorry friends. u guys will be hearing the words 'i'm bored!' very often if i stay home frequently. HAHA. long update guys.

lets start from thursday. supposed to zirca after my work at charcoal. busy busy night at charcoal. seems like i bring business everytime i work there. hahas. ended up staying over at darling's place. went to hub to check out the midnight movies but nth to our liking so we headed over her place. tv-ed and went to bed at 6. as usual our 'bedtime stories' kept us awake for hours before sleeping. missed our jurong trip =(
woke up at 8 plus and after dinner i head over to meet dumb twin and the friday clique for mahjong. didnt play for long and went down for food and slept after a movie. and friday ends!

so on the saturday noon. yuwen the alarm called at 2 plus and we gotta wake up to go home prepare for trip to IT fair. met up at 5 plus and off we went to suntec. the IT fair is horribly packed with people. got very irritated by all the loud hailers and whistles! argh!! my earpiece died on this very day. which means i gotta get new one. on a positive note. it must have struggled to survive till the day im going to the fair then it decided to pass away. LOL. so now cz twin and me have the same earpiece. had quite a good one after walking ard for sooo long.
went to the fountain of wealth. had a message and song dedicated but we missed the message but still we caught the song (: walked ard the fountain of wealth and stupid yw wished for her pocket money to increase -.- and walked 4 rounds instead of 3! rushed down to raffles to meet another of their friend kangwei and we went to boat quay to their friend's pub. and yes. twin and i hogged the mike for practically the WHOLE night. hahas. yay! free k session. heh heh. (:
had breakfast. prata!! and waited for the first train. tired to the max alrdy!

and just a moment later i realised its sunday alrdy. day to meet up with wei for IT fair again, popeye and movie. chatted with ting on the phone. wasnt planning on sleeping but after blasting wei's phone for 10 over times and yet she's still not awake. both of us went to sleep. bad news came.. wei gotta go back charcoal for work. so ended up it was me and darling meeting up for popeye and movie. took 857 to flyer. the bus was full of shit! argh. i know u guys know what i mean right. HAHA. finally after craving for popeye so long.. i got to eat! hahas. next i want crystal jade, astons, charcoal.... well. the list can go on and on. hahahas! too bad we didnt have a good camera with us =( would have taken photos.
next was the cathay. the nets discount is not available on weekends so ended up not watching movie. went to cotton on for the sales and after that we were out of plans.. text sweetheart and realised she's at the same place as me! mr colin was driving so we joined them and we went to geylang! HAHA. very interesting to see all the 'chicks' but there were very lil of them today cuz there was police. aww.. too bad! hahas. went to yishun dam next. nth interesting. stayed for awhile and we went home at 1 plus. chatted on phone with eelin and now im gonna watch a lil of my show and off to bed!

movie tml!! (:(:

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