Sunday, June 28, 2009

i fell asleep for a few hours and went out to meet twin, cz, james and kangwei. went to dhoby ghaut to search for the location for the shuttle bus to flea market. saw lots of ppl esp girls climbing up the stairs leading to mount sofia. somewhere above the newly built condo. horribly packed and it was like a sauna when we stepped into the buliding. lots of people too lil space. anyway twin bought 2 tops and i got 4. hahas. no more shopping for the next few months! anyway we wanted to catch transfomers 2 but there's so lil seats available :( so ended up pool-ing at cineleisure. jason joined us awhile and we went off at 9.30 to meet yongwei to go down xbar. had bak kut teh for dinner at boat quay. quite nice! i love the soup. hahas. finished up the martell and they ordered chivas. twin and cz got high and so funny la! lol. luckily they didnt got to the extend that they're drunk. hahas. got to sing again but this time there's other tables too so we didnt get the mikes to ourselves. went off at close to 5 and i went down to st james. made a really paisay and funny mistake!! in short i didnt meet who i was expecting to meet. turns out to be someone else. i have no idea how his number ended up under someone else name. omfg! had a shock man. anyway things turn out quite okay. leroy wanted something challenging so i asked him to get a glass of pepsi for me in df. LOL. something simple but i know they dun serve it. HAHA. ended up not fulfilling it. hahas. went to mac aft df closed. his fren, frederick, went off first. chatted all the way till 9.30 and finally we went off. dead tired when i got home. concuss till 10pm and SUNDAY was abt to end. gotta go down to SIM tml to pay my sch fees. omfg! sch's starting soon. gotta start studying hard alrdy :( im gonna miss all the fun!

photos HERE!

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