Tuesday, June 09, 2009


pondered over whether to go out for a loooong time ytd and end up i still decided to go along. went shishaaaa at haji lane if im not wrong with yuwen and her MI friends, bren, eke, kerrie and her gf alex, weiqi and her gf yong kit i think, the rest of the names im not sure. hahas. had chivas too. took lots of photos which i gotta wait till they send me to post it up. went off at 11.30 and went down to upp thomsom with yuwen, weiqi and her gf. cz came down to join us too. had prata and we went over to dumb twin's place. hahas. watched he's just not that into you and it was 4.30 when we finished the show. poor cz didnt get to sleep and he went off to camp at 5.30.
slept till 2 plus and went out as yuwen is meeting james to tampines. had lunch at sun plaza and went home. deciding if i should stay home or acc darling to study!

few photos for now. didnt post two unglam ones. HAHA

hoho! my fav. the photo looks cute! definitely not talking bout my dumb twin :D

random thoughts. being tgt for years, some couple tend to lose respect for each other. thinking the basic manners and respect do not matter anymore. thus end up quarrelling most of the time. is it so hard maintaining a relationship?

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