Wednesday, July 13, 2011

As I delete what had been hanging around for years in this space, I felt that tug on my heart knowing I'm 'deleting' my history. Though it was just physical trace, there's still the inexplicable feel there somewhere. Start afresh. Breathe the new air. So I keep rambling.

It's the third day into the second week of July. Summing up what's been going on, I spent most of my time studying and working lately. And the most nerve wrecking news, I failed the exam twice and I hope it's not still in the count. Well, three's a charm. I'm seizing that pass this time round!

I'm kinda falling back in love with blogger! It's so fool proof and the interface is pretty nice! Tumblr has a different touch to it with the reblogging ability though. I'll not be picking one to use. Each of them shall have half of my heart.

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