Thursday, July 09, 2009

school started on 6th of july and i was dreading it so much the day before. but i realised it wasn't as bad as i thought. i actually am having fun in school. except for the whole waking up early thing. i decided to mug hard this time round and ppl please scold me if i start slacking. but don't be too fierce uh. hahas.

went rebel on the 4th before school started with jianhui and his two friends plus marcus. quite boring actually. went over st james to meet up with leroy. same procedure. chatted in mac again. lol. photos here.

and right before i went rebel. celebrated jiasheng's 21st birthday at pin si restaurant at 925. i shall copy and paste from twin's blog cuz lazy to type. hehe.

5th july,happy 21st birthday to jiasheng :)
celebration for him w his brothers family and everybody else at pin si on saturday! at first it was kinda dead but after that we had entertainment from 2 kids, entertained ourselves w indian poker w red wine + tea + fruit punch + mango sago, god damn disgusting. after cutting of the cake, started drinking. disgusting red wine, their vomit like red paint like that. haha. i guess yongwei was the loser that night. safra and occ after that. i think the birthday boy pretty much enjoyed himself! :) lazy to say more, so pictures up! :D

hehe. thanks uh. plus i only have a few photos with me.

work at charcoal on sunday. had supper at charcoal. i love mini mini gathering with them to eat. took a few photos :)

work ytd at wallet linc. yw, kerrie, bren, eke came down to acc me. cz bought dinner for me. im so fortunate :)

yongwei's 21st chalet tml! sch on sat in the morning. BUT im still going. hahas. surprise right. im surprise myself too. LOL. how im treating studies so seriously now. much more serious than last sem anyway.

twin is gonna poison us with her cookie again tml. ehh. on second thought i think the cookies will be fine. cuz this time there's james helping. HAHA

CHAICHIN: later she fly to the sky lor
CHAICHIN: she said she's flying to heaven just now
CHAICHIN: hahahas
siaowei: waaa
siaowei: she so fast wann die liao ar
siaowei: lols
CHAICHIN: idiot hor
siaowei: ehh
siaowei: what if she really wann die ar
siaowei: that's why she send us that sms
siaowei: den say she flying to heaven
siaowei: =x
siaowei: LOL
CHAICHIN: hahahas
CHAICHIN: den how?
CHAICHIN: tell her.
CHAICHIN: dun die
CHAICHIN: use a rope to tie her so she wont fly up
siaowei: even though you not cute
siaowei: and so thickskin
siaowei: and so qian da
siaowei: and so crappy
siaowei: and so lame
siaowei: and so retarded
siaowei: and so idiotic
siaowei: and so asshole
siaowei: and so bendan
siaowei: we still love you
siaowei: LOL!
siaowei: must have alot of and so.. and so..
siaowei: but all the and so must be BAD THINGS

HAHAHA! its all these lil nonsense that makes me love them more. jessie im expecting to receive more random msgs from u okay!

reply from twin:

precious yyyuuuuuuuuwwen! : D says:
precious yyyuuuuuuuuwwen! : D says:
smart twin
precious yyyuuuuuuuuwwen! : D says:
you getting smarter each day
precious yyyuuuuuuuuwwen! : D says:
and lazier!
precious yyyuuuuuuuuwwen! : D says:
precious yyyuuuuuuuuwwen! : D says:
not only photos link to me
precious yyyuuuuuuuuwwen! : D says:
post also copy and paste
precious yyyuuuuuuuuwwen! : D says:
precious yyyuuuuuuuuwwen! : D says:
precious yyyuuuuuuuuwwen! : D says:

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