Thursday, July 30, 2009

everything else has been keeping me away from blogging. did not have much time for me to spend much time online this week. work work work on monday, tuesday and today. had my HRM video film right after school in school compound itself on MONDAY. funny video i can say. my role was acting as a dumb medic. dressed in white. had a paper hat with cross on it and bandage in hand. ready to run out whenever im beng 'summon'. lol. shall post the video up when i get my hands on it. hahas.

had a ride home from graydon with amilia who came down to pick me up after work on TUESDAY. lucky billy was sent right to his block too since he stays in yishun too. went home and rushed the accounts assignment which was basically not started at all though it was due on wednesday. thus the night was devoted to accounts..

yesterday which is a WEDNESDAY. went to school looking like some zombie and a completed assignment. only motivation to get my sleepy self on a 852 45 minutes trip and walking of 10 minutes to school. went over to amk for lunch with jiasheng at aston. thank you for the lunch :) met up with darling on bus to khatib to buy food for the steamboat at night. went over alex's place to prepare the food. took a short nap to replenish some energy before heading over to northpoint cold storage to complete our shopping for food. poor darling lost her phone at the 7-11. lodged a police report after the failed attempt to recover the phone. hopefully the phone can be found. alex came to pick to us up with rui xiang, boon and paul on board. started the steamboat at 11 plus after most of the people reached. xerxes, mary, jason, uncle, james sukanto and guoyao came after work. after a tiring day, it felt good to sit around with friends to enjoy a good meal. especially this bunch of people whom i haven seen in quite awhile. unfortunately something happened. i'm not gonna state out what here as it may cause some people to assume what may not be the case. for the second time. hopefully it'll turn out fine. i fell asleep on the sofa till 9 plus and went off with darling, mary and xerxes. oh i think i forgot to menetion destina. HAHAHA. u guys know who i'm referring to right. especially the birthday boy i'm sure. hahas. concuss immediately the moment i crashed on my bed. jumped out of bed at 5 the moment i realised it was so late. i was suppose to reach charcoal at 6. was late for 10 minutes. went over to ah wok today. kinda had fun over there as all the hateful people are gone. hahas. chatted with cui cui and the two chefs who are really nice. real funny people. hahas.
met cz at somerset station to go back together and went over to sembawang a lil while to meet twin, jiasheng, yongwei and jingkwang. taught jiasheng how to fold d.i.y rose. hahas. wonder who he's making the effort for huh. lol. came home after getting badminton racket from cz.

badminton and ion tommorrow! and i really wish i can use TGIF! but.. sadly no. this phrase is not gonna be in my dictionary till next year i graduate. darn..

apparantly something is still really wrong with the darn blogger. i still cant post any photos here. zzz. on a sidetrack, even if blogger is working healthily, its still a very big question mark whether i will make the big effort to upload the MANY MANY photos which i had been accumulating over this period of time. hahahas

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