Wednesday, July 15, 2009

aww. weekend is over and its mon all over again. i had so much fun during weekend that i was so reluctant to face monday. cz, james, twin and me went for kerrie's belated celebration at pasir ris park for BBQ on friday. played a few rounds of card games and started drinking even before eating. lol. yongwei, hongwhye, jiasheng came and yw drove us to his chalet. mahjongmahjongmahjong. hahas. i cant rmb much what we did that day cuz we didnt do much. hahahas. didnt exactly slept and i actually went to school on sat morn during a chalet!! how hardworking. hehehe. a very nice melvin came to pick me up to school as he stayed in the area (: he sent me to clarke quay after school as he's going there and i had lunch and i went to take train back to the chalet. dumb me actually forgot the most important thing to bring out. ez link card!! thanks to melvin for lending me his. if not i'll take a day to walk from clarke quay back to the chalet. LOL. BBQ in the night. i was dead tired alrdy. i fell asleep sitting on a chair. lol. didnt sleep much again for the night. woke up like a zombie on sunday morn. and it was time to check out. had a very good sleep till 5 plus twin called me. they wanted to go for steamboat. went to chong pang steamboat at turf city. it wasn't very nice leh. i prefer cong qing's one which i had on the following day with the SIM girls plus jonathan. arab street was filled with lots of nice clothes and accessories!! grac, june, joey, avelyn and me all went crazy with each shop we went into! but i had to curb my temptations. i cant buy anything!

all photos will be up soon! actually im waiting for someone to update her blog. hehe

honest talks! no secrets next time okay! im just glad we're still as close or maybe even closer now (:

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