Sunday, July 26, 2009

something is wrong with my blogger. i have no idea what. first there's no typing box for me to type my post thus explaining this overdue post. now that it reappear. there's not options for me to change my font, size of it, color, etc.. what the hell is wrong?

both wed and thurs work at wallet linc. took a long time to choose the present. just a feeling i had to get something.

project discussion after school with melvin, geven and azeem. usually i dread group disscussion but i actually enjoyed this one. lol. found the perfect video spot right next to us after bainstorming for so long. hahas. went down to bugis to meet twin who was there shopping with kerrie they all before that. she got a top in the end. went down to plaza sing next. went to cotton on to get slippers. whoo! we had a GOOD deal. hehe. went back to semb when i decided not to join darling, caiqi and alvin. decided to go up cz place to give him a bubble tea surprise. hahas. that dumb dumb. ah yong came up to join us and we watched anaconda and went to 313 to eat. didnt felt like gg back. yw suggested mahjong so we went up to jason's place. cz and yw bought martell from the mama shop and we drank while playing. lol. went back on first train.

wasted sat away to sleep. concuss till 7 plus and i finally wake up. had dinner at home and went down semb to meet twin, cz, james, jiasheng, yongwei and jason to fish fish! hahas. long looooong walk to bottle tree village. uber ulu la! set up and all took quite awhile. worse.. the street lights were switched off halfway and it was super dark! first catch of the night: A SNAKE! lol. at first we were wondering if it was a snake till it opens its mouth and swallowed the prawns and starting curling and sliding up upwards. next was all catfish and bigger size ikan billis look alike fish. lol. js and james tried to start a fire but didnt really succeed. lol. we left the place at 4 and went for breakfast at 313. twin, james and cz went off first. me and ah yong took the first train back again. lol.

work at charcoal later. better not forget again. if not gy and wei gonna kill me le. lol. meeting darling later for a trip to service centre for our viewtys. hahas. twin they all gg ion. wanna go take a look at that place.

seems like its the same every july.

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