Monday, June 22, 2009

quoted from twin's blog: cz say, not put conditioner first then put shampoo one meh?LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL hello bfbf you go try then tell us how it feels k! LOLOLOLOLOL

steamboat on wednesday after work at amk. took over lil sis for the whole day!! tiring cuz im not used to wake up early. but happy thing is i hit over 400! went over james place for steamboat with czczcz! thanks for coming down to acc me. and the lunch u bought. if not i think i'll faint of hunger le. hahas. aft steamboat me and cz went over twin's place to stay over. watched the grudge 3 halfway and all of us zzz alrdy. hahas

very lazy to continue typing. here's a draft of this week:

THURSDAY - club at zirca with baby and darling. photos to be posted soon. alot alot alot of them! click HERE for the photos!

FRIDAY - night cycling with baby and darling and cz. east coast. pp. aljudnied. geylang. bugis. esplanade. one fullerton. marina barrage. back: esplanade,bugis, bendemeer. macpherson. paya lebar. geylang. pp. east beef horfun. mee goreng. dimsum. rocher. tauhuey. grass jelly. youtiao. egg tart. butterfly.east coast! HERE to see the rest of the photos. no patience to upload 100 over photos! LOL

marine parade



one fullerton

marina barrage


czczcz with ding dongs!


new album cover

our butts hurt like crazy!!

marking 12 hours of cycling


tired tired and tired!

SATARDAY - home the whole day till night. went over semb and ended up staying over at twin's place. watched unborn and we were still awake so we decided to wactch another show. the love guru. kuku show!!

SUNDAY - charcoal with wei, eunice, gideon and danny. haven seen gideon and eunice for a looooong time. hope i'll see them at work again soon! aft work. went to 848 with wei, eelin and danny. watched some horror movie on channel 8 there bout a amusement park. wei reminded me that sweet family watched it at her place before. suddenly missed the good old times. oh well...

MONDAY (today) - bugis with czczcz! thank u for my belated gifts! retail therapy is the best therapy for everything. HAHA. dun all girls agree with me? acc him to town to ask abt his sch stuffs and we went bugis to shop. didnt manage to get to the new mall cuz there's too many stuffs at the street le. hahas. met up with yuwen at yishun for dinner and we went home!

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