Saturday, November 21, 2009

there's alot of things i wanna update on actually. but everytime i come in here and start typing, i have no idea where to start.

let me start by saying i'm very happy that i got my RED E63! hehe. dilemma deciding whether to spend more getting the white E71 or maybe wait for iphone to arrive at M1. BUT.. ended up i bought E63 and i have no regrets. its a beautiful and really quite a good phone :D

weather has been pretty bad lately. but hopefully it wont be raining this much during dec. kinda mood spoiling to have heavy rain when there's plans to go out. cant wait for holiday to come! :)

found these when i was looking through some stuffs today. delon gave them to me from his diving trip. hahas. just some random stuffs to share.

can u just be normal?! its really frustrating to face all this u know. i just want things to be back like before. i cant stand this change in u. maybe i took it for granted that u'll be there all the time, i was too engrossed in my problems last time. but its different now. trust me

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