Monday, November 23, 2009

studied at mos with benny ytd and before i started, i was delivery girl. just wanted to do something. and i have no idea result my action generated. hope its something positve. went home at 10 and went over to amk mac after that to meet darling to study overnight. took the first train back and i was still damn awake when i got back. something is very wrong with my body. been have headaches very very frequently and my stomach dont feel well too. appetite been quite bad sometimes. sigh

went over RP to study with twin and her classmates, william and two other guys. as usual, not very productive but still managed to learn something. stayed till close to 1o and we left. bought some food from pasar malam and twin and me sat down to chat a lil while. went off at 11 plus and met up with kiwi for a lil while. for now he's my permanent neighbour till he moves off to hostel next sem. hahas. finally been seeing him around after so long. i still rmb the first time i realise he stays at the same block as me. lol.

just finished one episode of this show call kyle xy, its about this boy who woke up one day in the forest knowing nothing bout this world and himself. he was taken care by this woman name nicole who was someone who looks after cases of 'special' kids. kyle knows nothing in this world yet he has a powerful mind which makes him a genius.
its a really interesting show. hahas. he's quite good looking actually but his role made him kinda retarded la. lol. but i guess he wont be such a retard after a few more episodes. so i'm gonna continue watching.

i'm reading this book call managing yourself by paul morgon. pretty interesting cuz its talking bout understanding yourself more and all the psychological stuffs that most ppl actually dont realise. zhi quan shared it with me like how looong ago and i'm finally reading it. hahas.

and yes, i totally agree to this sentence that twin puts at her pm.
'it's sad when someone you know become someone you knew'

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