Monday, November 16, 2009

okay. time to update my dying blog. hahas. exam is approaching fast! been studying recently. told cz today. been a long time since i really use my brain, thats why its so pain. LOL. studied at mac ytd with twin, wilson, benny and jessica. it was snowing in there la. super cold! just like twin's room. for polar bears only. HAHAHHA.
went to mos to study today. the feeeeel was right for studying. not bad. getting into the mood alrdy. lol.

it bothers me alot when someone close to me drifts apart without any reason. anything at all will be better than a word, 'nothing'.

i'm glad i've finally got myself out of the bubble i trapped myself in. took me a long time. but still. yeah :) MOVED ON MOVED ON! hahas

photos from 071109, shopping with two of my favorite girls ♥
just a few. the uploader is not working!

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