Monday, August 03, 2009

yayyyyy! my blogger is alright again! hahahs. but now i have tooo many photos to upload now and i have no idea what i wanna blog -.- crap.

FRIDAY, ended up not gg badminton with friday clique and some of the brothers. just joined them for a lil while at mac when they ended their session. planned the rest of the day and we decided to go town for ion and lan. ended up i was stuck in the clinic for.. 2 and half hours?! irritate the hell out of me. met the rest at dhoby ghaut. went to paradiz centre for the lan game. played L4D and CS. hahas. super high! everyone was screaming when he or she got shot. LOL. lets go again guys! hahas. make it a monthly activity. hahas. played for 4 hours and it was home sweet home after that.
SATURDAY, met twin and cz at jason's place for mahjong. yw joined us awhile later. played till 11 plus and we went down to 313 to meet jin kwang for supper. wanted to continue after we got back but i guess everyone was too tired so i slept as well.
SUNDAY which is today, went home and received a call from darling. she got a replacement for her SIM card alrdy. finally! hahas. please hang the phone around u! dun lose it again! she was out alone so i dragged my lazy self out of bed to meet her. first stop PS, next stop bugis. went back around 8 plus and did abit of my work at amk. came home at 11 plus and i totally have no mood to do anything other than slack. oh no..

twin is sick! get well soon okay! drink lots and lots of water!!

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