Wednesday, August 12, 2009

busy week as usual. finally some time to come online.

let me start on WEDNESDAY. work at wallet linc as per normal. sudden urge to butter up my life so down i went to meet darling, alvin and caiqi. it was MARCUS 20th BIRTHDAY that day so joined his celebration. hope he enjoyed himself :) peektures time! more can be found on facebook!

aww! poor thing! (:

birthday boy is high!

then it was a boring THURDAY for me at work in charcoal so i shall skip it.

here comes FRIDAY! went out with twin, cz, yongwei and jason to town. got jason's 21st birthday present from guess. quite a nice watch he chosen. hahas. walked around and as we decided to bake jason a cake. we went to the bookstore to take photos of a cake recipe. lol. cheapo i know but i'm not gonna spend a sum of money on a book which i only need one page. lol. found one and its time for me to go off for my briefing at clarke quay. met eelin and alison to go there together. just as i expected. the briefing took more than 2 hours. super waste of time. went back to get my accounts stuffs and went over twin's place. cake baking was successful! (: photos are in twin's phone. shall post when i have them!

twin shopping for 1 yr anniversary present

happiness found!

SATURDAY was jason's 21st birthday! went over his place for steamboat at 7 plus. home celebration is a good idea actually. anyway let the photos do the talking! click here for more!



the brothers

rest of friends

SUNDAY was dearest jessie's birthday! the surprise was a big success! everything worked according to plan, from planning behind jessie's back with her parents, getting her mum to pack her clothes, scavenger hunt around singapore, a super nice resort to ourselves, to bbq with my favorite girls. finally a sixofus chalet! (: took hundreds and hundreds of photos that day. its not with me at the moment. cant wait to receive them!! only one photo available, taken by jessie's lousy phone. hahahas

sweetie and me (:

woke up at 2 plus on MONDAY with only me and ning left in the chalet. both jessie and ah neo went off early for their dates. met something totally unlucky gross when i was walking home. i kicked a big, dead and wet rat on the road. super ewww! it was so sickening to look at it. it was ran over my a car i presume. argh! just my luck. i felt sad it was killed that way, i felt gulity i accidentally kicked it even though it was already dead, but most of all, i felt SICK! first thing i did when i got home was hopped on one leg all the way to the toilet to practically scrub and peel off my skin on the foot while exclaiming to my whole family what happened. they must have thought i was nuts. HAHA. anyway. just when i asked cz out to study, received msg from james to play lan at paradiz centre. we were meeting at 8 so me and cz decided to go over to ion for a walk first. i tell u! i can get lost in that humongous place and i got so tired just walking all the basements alone! goodness! its really really GIGANTIC! there's this level filled with food and i felt like i was in heaven already. HAHAHA. had this fish pancake thingy with fillings inside. oishiii! the german potato one is really nice. and cz had the italian one. hahas. i played cheat by not exchanging with him when i told him half each at the beginning. hee. cz brought me to this shop at wheelock called research facility. with the decorations and name, it sounds like seems like some pharmacy. nope! it actually sells chocolate! how cool is that! bought macadamia milk! superb! twin and james movie ended very late but we still went to play. met jason at dhoby ghaut and we went over to the lan shop. that shop wasn't as good as the previous one but we still had fun till we forgot the time and missed last train. lol.

off to bed now! goodnight people!

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