Tuesday, April 07, 2009

henderson wave with baby and alex =)

first bad experience to school today! pouring heavily when i was reaching the bus stop outside the school. stuck at the bus stop with my lower half of my body wet. ended up sharing cab with 4 ppl from my class. teach me a lesson to bring umbrella to school but what's the chance it'll rain again. been going for 4 months and its the first time i encounter this! ANYWAY.. today is like the 3rd or 4th time i tapped in at 2.26. lol. caizhi wanna go buy 4D le. hahahas

after school it was henderson wave with dearest baby and alex. looooong walk but the night was really beautiful. a pity we didnt have a camera with us so we had to take photos with our barely can make it phones. hahas. let the photos do some of the talking now!

tiffany's very cute phone

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