Monday, April 27, 2009

back from yuwen's chalet! HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY woman!! still waiting to receive the photos from bren. easier to let the photos do the talking. hahas. brief summary..

IST day
met yuwen james and caizhi on bus to go down the chalet tgt. shuang was at white sands alrdy. waited for 1 hr. lol. went NTUC to buy everything needed for the BBQ. checked in and kerrie xinya and one of their sch mate. first day practically had nth to do. mahjong at night when they managed to get the set from their friend and a table from nicki. hope i spelled it correctly.

2ND day
woke by all their noise. hahas. and went for brunch at the cafe there. the service and food both suck. argh. cup noodles seem like a better choice. went back and mahjong till almost BBQ time. rented the pit and started the fire. lots and lots of ppl reached. the birthday girl had a busy night. hahas. didnt sleep much that night. caizhi shared ghost stories and scared the hell out of me and shuang. chatted with jason till i fell asleep.

3RD day
time to check out! packed up and we left the chalet. bus-ed out and that crazy woman suggested mahjong. lol. i went for crystal tuition and met up with caizhi to go over james place. yong wei was there too. played till 10 plus and we went off.
came home and i had a good chat with eelin and baby and xiuhui. shall talk to siaowei tonight (:

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