Wednesday, October 14, 2009

okay. gonna run through my life briefly and i need to get my beauty sleep. life's pretty much the same since i last mass updated. hahas. monday went for the briefing on my upcoming work on 21st to 23rd at a japanese cusine. the place is seriously so traditional and its just a lil shop. its so cute! the boss is super nice and i cant wait to start work. benny who was really nice offered to acc me down to orchard and he waited for me till the briefing ended. bus-ed down to bugis to meet amilia and weiheng. being very shy, he decided not to join us. LOL. i finally got my watch at bugis junction after a disappointing trip to bugis street. not that i totally didnt get anything from there. lol. got myself a dress and belt and bangles (: it was mj at hj's place and sotong me left my shoppings there. so sad :(

ytd met up with amilia and weiheng for dinner at yishun. eelin called and wanted to join. but ended up after travelling down to yishun with us. she decided to go straight to work instead. lol. darling's phone died. yes. again.. lol. but we still bumped into each other somehow. considering its yishun and me bumping into 3 friends in just a short walk from the interchange to northpoint. its not very surprising. had kfc for dinner and went over safra to play pool. amilia and me walked to weiheng to the bus stop and we walked back to khatib. chatted at the playground and we decided to go up her place for movie. while waiting for the movie to load. we shopped at vs and spent like 2 hours looking at all the breast of the models cuz we were looking at bikinis. hahahas. thats like the joke of the day. movie failed to load so i went back home as she has to wake up early in the morning.

okay done. goodnight ppl! (:

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