Sunday, May 31, 2009

hello people! im officially gonna blog today. hahas. i get really lazy thinking bout having to type all the events i had and uploading all the photos. its a CHORE!

im just gonnna talk bout these few weeks. been studying everyday for two weeks. been seeing yuwen caizhi for two weeks too. till i kinda lost track of time cuz im meeting the same ppl for so many days. studied with yuwen james wilson and benny on thurs. weird combination right i know but they seem to be okay with each other. click well too. covered most of the stuff in biz comm and we decided to go for movie. crazy idea but we still went for it. watched the terminator. caizhi and yongwei came along too.

fri was biz comm paper. totally unsure on how well i did. lol. im just glad its over. and im happy that accounts is over too! stayed over at yuwen's place ytd cuz we studied till too late. poor cz gotta sleep on the floor. hahas. and he had a hard time waking me up today. from 9 the alarm rang. i told him 9.30. ended up i woke up at 10. HAHAHA! now he knows how i am like when he gives me morn calls everyday. LOL.
went over siaowei's place with weiheng after paper ended to study stats. only managed to learn a lil of the formulaes. thanks weiheng for forking out time again!! met up with yuwen and that bunch of brothers to eat at yishun after studying to eat. and a very nice kok howe sent everyone home (:

studying again tml!! good luck to me!

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